Sunday, July 1, 2007

Ain't Love Grand!!

Well Drew popped the question. Gave her the ring. They want to be married by September 8th. The practical side of me could scream. Yet, some good friends have reminded me that they will figure out life together and it will be okay. And you know what so will I!!!!!

We are still on the house thing. We have got to move closer to Dan's work and for the short period of time that Drew is with us --he works over their too. Then when Matt graduates he wants to go to Perimeter College off Hwy 11. (the new one they are building, so he is there too.) That really leaves me and Gabe as the hold outs. I like Butts County! I hate to move!! Each are excellent points. If I move I want to move to Monticello, which helps no one get to work easier. I'm trying not to be obstinate (stop laughing!!!!).


Monkey said...

Thanks for the comments...I often ponder things like this--why people want to just love you for the easy reasons to love you sometimes and then want to pick at you or belittle you when you have an issue. That's why I love certain people in my life more deeply than others, because of being more's interesting because probably if you were to pick on people about whatever issue they might have---then they wouldn't want to be your friend anymore. Strange huh?! I even have family that I don't talk to anymore because of constantly picking on me about something that I would love to change, but can't. It was a hard thing to post, because putting things you are "fragile" about can be hard, but I felt it was something I had on my mind and needed to be said. I didn't want my blog to just be about cool designs and what-not...but about me. About Drew, congratulations! I think it's a good thing, let them be young and romantic if that's what they want to do, because they aren't hurting anyone. You have to live life on your own to find out about it. If it turns out to be a mistake, he will know that all too soon and will learn from it and that's what it's all about. Hopefully though, things will be happy and wonderful.

Monkey said...

Hey! I hope Reese is doing ok! Tell her I'm thinking about her! :)