Thursday, June 21, 2007

Laughter and Children

Once upon a time in Oklahoma!!!!! (I just read M's comment.) I found out that humor was more fun than crying, so I kept it. Also we all know that fat folks are jolly! On a serous side wouldn't you hate not being able to laugh at situations, yourself, and others! What a great stress relief laughing can be.

Now on the subject of parents having favorite children. I think we all try to love our children equally, but may lean towards one over the other. The oldest at my house is moving into adulthood at a rapid pace. Finally, got a vet tech job yesterday, that might turn into fulltime in a few months, and was already mentioning the "m" word. Along with graduate school, and I am saying nothing. I've tried over the last few months to gently guide and he doesn't want to be guided!!!!! So my lips are sealed on the subject!

The middle child would be content to bum around the US going to horse shows. Just catching a ride with whoever, like a darn bull rider!! He is going to break me this summer. Him and his daddy!!! (Who is fighting the restless spirit.) It is hard to believe I only have one more year to try and get incredible amounts of knowledge in his head!

Then there is the precious baby (who is ten). He is off at children's camp. I've missed him. He is growing up. It is hard to believe he will be in junior high. I hope that his social skills somewhat improve before August.

In the mix of all the child rearing issues, we are trying to decide on a house. I found one I really like, but the cost would strain our budget to the max. I don't like that feeling, since the budget feels strained now! It is sad that I have a masters degree in education and working on a doctorate, which next year without the dissertation will pay T-6 pay. Yet, I struggle to find money every month and owning our own home is a dream. I did find another one in Monticello (easier on the budget), but I don't like the neighborhood. Of course everyone wants this done before I go back to work in 4 weeks (I'm spending the week before in Atlanta working).

Oh the joy of it all!!!


Monkey said...

Hey now don't just blame me for that "once upon a time in Oklahoma" thing...Sarah said it too!! :) You know I was kidding...if nothing else, I'm the "child" who is good at making you laugh! ;)
Are you only looking for houses in Monticello or here too? What's some criteria, maybe I can help you look?

Sarah B. B. said...

Dude, let Melissa help you find a house! I'd volunteer, but I'm really short on house search motivation right now. Are Drew AND his woman living with you? I'm so confused. We may need a margarita tomorrow night to clear this up...

Lennye said...

Your comments need explainations! Yes, I'm looking for houses in both towns and maybe Covington. I want the most house for the least amount of money I can find!!!

Drew is here some days and at her house some days. He starts work (Thank you Lord) on Monday. She also starts on Monday in Kennesaw. How they plan to work out the details, I don't know.