Sunday, December 17, 2023

Lessons Learned

I've been gluten free for over a year. I'm do not have celiacs, so gluten won't kill me. However, with my Hosimoto's gluten is like a poison. Now I'm an intelligent woman and I get this! 

Unfortunately, Saturday I decided to throw caution to the wind. I ate bread! Well, it took about an hour for the inflammation to start accumulating and then just an overall feeling of yuck took over. So, why did I do it, because I could. I felt sad at all I've given up and still not seeing the results I want in my body; however, my choices weren't constructive at all.

It was a perfect example of how sin creeps into our lives. We start out thinking, "Oh, I'll just do this (insert sin) a little, and the next thing we know it has taken over. 

You see I knew not to eat the bread. I knew what it would do. But I started thinking, "Everybody else eats bread and they don't gain weight. Even though I knew it wouldn't be beneficial. 

I'm so glad that God's grace is new each and every day. Thankfully, that grace is in abundance and greater than all our sin!


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