Tuesday, June 7, 2022

What is on Your Heart Map?

 ...that has come to you. All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood the grace of God. - Colossians 1:6

I'm reading a book called "Habits of Grace" by David Mathis. Today I read that there are 12 Bible verses that we should soak in. One of them being Colossians 1:6.

The author says, "The gospel is the fuel that awakens and energizes the human heart..."

This led me to think of "heart maps". As a writing teacher I understand that heart maps are a visual representation of what is on your mind. Then I questioned what does my spiritual heart have written on it? Can I separate my spiritual and human heart? I think not.

I want to hide in my heart God's Word. I am blessed to have recall of what I read and study. I'm very conscientious of the fact that God brings scripture to mind as needed.

Matthew Henry said, "The gospel is the word of truth, and we may safely venture our souls upon it. And all who hear the word of the gospel, ought to bring forth the fruit of the gospel, obey it, and have their principles and lives formed according to it."

Is my life reflecting the Gospel in my heart?

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