Thursday, January 13, 2022

Others Before Me

 Remember the old book "What Would Jesus Do"? A few years ago, we went through the WWJD movement. Well, that passed quickly enough!

I'm finding Romans to be a very convicting book of the Bible in light of the world we live in.

Over a year ago, Romans Chapter 14 really spoke to me when the mask issue came up at church (just insert mask for meat). Those who were anti-maskers felt that their freedom to not wear a mask superseded everything else. At the same time there were those who were appalled that the "no maskers" would stand at the door greeting people and position themselves in "the maskers" pathway. Well God convicted me of what my attitude should be through these verses. 

Masking was no longer the issue. It was an issue of caring for the brethren. Literally, the "mask" was causing brethren to stumble and at that point it was time to apply Romans 14.

Matthew Henry wrote this of these scriptures, "We must deny ourselves in many cases what we may lawfully do, when our doing it may hurt our good name...Righteousness, peace, and joy, are words that mean a great deal. As to God, our great concern is to appear before him justified by Christ's death, sanctified by the Spirit of his grace; for the righteous Lord loveth righteousness. As to our brethren, it is to live in peace, and love, and charity with them; following peace with all men. As to ourselves, it is joy in the Holy Ghost; that spiritual joy wrought by the blessed Spirit in the hearts of believers, which respects God as their reconciled Father, and heaven as their expected home. Regard to Christ in doing our duties, alone can make them acceptable."

Unfortunately, it is common in our self-seeking world to put ourselves, our wants, and our desires ahead of everyone else. Yet, we will lovingly quote 1 Peter 4:8, "Above all, love one another deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins." But in reality, we are saying I'll love you as long as nothing is required of me.

I realized a mask was a simple thing if it helped my brother feel at ease. Now do I wear one all the time, no. However, I have no issue if I'm going to be around those who feel more at ease when others are masked. I guess I stand amazed that the unsaved have no problem understanding this, but those who "have been bought by a price" struggle.

Friend, my prayer every day is to be more like Jesus. Most days are difficult and I fail miserably, but like Paul, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus."

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