Tuesday, January 5, 2021


 The ending of a prayer by an ordained minister should have enraged the American people, but alas welcome to 2021! I grew up in a time when preachers preached that Hell was real and you didn't want to go there. It may be time for us to "get woke"!

Democratic Rep. Emanuel Cleaver from Missouri opened the 117th Congress in prayer yesterday, but he closed his prayer by saying, “Amen and a-woman.” I suppose he was trying to use this time of prayer to make a political statement about equality or gender issues that are on the table. Sadly, this is where we are today. Not a great start for 2021. The word “Amen” simply means “So be it,” and that’s why it is said at the end of prayers. It has nothing to do with gender. Regrettably, even prayer is no longer sacred to some in our halls of Congress. One thing is obvious—we need more of it. Amen!”
— Franklin Graham
As a young girl I saw a Billy Graham film that has haunted me for years. In the movie the Rapture has occurred and the girl makes her way back to her church. She walks in and the preacher is crying at a long table with a Bible open. She looks at him and asked, "Why didn't you tell us?" He answers, "I didn't believe it was true!" One of the most powerful scenes in a movie I've ever seen, and here we are living it! I can't tell you how many times of late things have been said by "church" folk that scare me, because the words indicate they have no idea what the Gospel is.
Galatians 6:7 says, "Do not be deceived God will not be mocked."

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