Monday, March 5, 2012

March 5

I don't shock easy.  I'm a child of the 60's, was a teenager in the 70's, so it takes a lot and I mean A LOT to get me, but today I have been shocked. 

First, a student brought me a note with some of the foulest, grossest things written on it.  I was dazed.  Students who never go there were in on this one.  I showed it to a younger teacher who told me it was a song.  A SONG????  REALLY!!!  Holy Cow!  Apparently Soulja Slim sings this little ditty.  Well, my students needed their brains washed, I needed a bath, and I'm pretty sure Soulja Slim needs a psychiatrist!!!

This incident was followed by the sweetest little thing looking at me at lunch and telling me to **** ***.  I just stood there stunned.  I know lunch was bad today, but REALLY!!! 

This all put a big spoiler on my introduction of Number the Stars.

So what happened over the weekend in my normally sane students' world that would cause them to go so far off the deep end?  My heart breaks for them, because a little bit of their innocence has died!  What makes them want to grow up so fast?  It is just so sad!  When 10, 11, and 12 year olds can use that language and know what it means...we all lose. 

I hope tomorrow is a better day!


Queen Bee said... heart breaks too.

Hoping tomorrow goes better for you!

CBethM said...

Oh wow. I know I have had one of those moments before. I teach high school, but listening to some of the songs they were singing along to at the prom, when they were all dolled up and looking rather sophisticated made me sick.
Nothing seems sadder than the loss of innocence...

Tracy said...
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Tracy said...

I know what you mean. To hear that kind of nastiness coming from the mouth of what should still be a child is heart breaking! I hope tomorrow restores some of your faith.

elsie said...

Makes you wonder what happened in the home over the weekend. At this point in the year they know the expectations for language. Hope it's better tomorrow.