Monday, July 5, 2010

Life According to Seuss Part 1

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
-Dr. Seuss

Hard to believe the first of July and my thoughts are already turning to a new group of students I've never meet. However, one look over the class role and I know I'm in for a long year. Again I will have the struggling students. Those barely reading at a 3rd grade level. Yet, I wonder how would their life be changed if they really believed the simple wisdom of Dr. Seuss, that they are unique.

When I was growing up my Grandmother always said things like, "You'll be the first woman govenor of Oklahoma, or the first woman president." Then she'd always say you can be whatever you want to be. And guess what...I believed her.

I remember when I was ready to start college, my mom had died, and her boss Sam Noble came for a visit. He said college was taken care of and if I'd go into computer sciences I'd have a job with his company the rest of my life. My grandmother thought I should take the offer. Then I looked at her and said, "But I really want to be a teacher." She truly believed it didn't matter, just be the best you can be. So of course I believed whatever she said.

Wonder if my students ever hear that anymore.One day in a meeting I was discussing how many of my babies were below grade level and what was I going to do. That's when my principal said, "The difference is when they are with you they think they can do it, because you think they can do it."

And you know what..I do!

If they could only see that they are unique and full of possibility and potential. That they are the only "you" that God made. Wonder if there lives would change. Folks it is a class list that would could make a grown woman cry, or become an alcoholic! But for some reason I believe we are all going to be brought together for a purpose. I will need them as much as they need me.

We will be makin' each other into just what God intended.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay Hestad....print this out - several copies - and put them ALL over your room....I will help! Oh yeah, I need a few for my room too. Remember - I have to teach them how to find the circumference of a circle :)
