Friday, June 18, 2010

What Makes You Happy?

I'm always drawn to blogs written by really happy people. Those people who find happiness in the simplest things. It makes me feel like I'm missing something big in my life. So today I wondered what makes me happy.

1. Going out with Dan alone (I always have and always will enjoy being with just him)
2. The Boys all together
3. Reading a good book
4. Teaching when it all comes together
5. A clean house

Yet, I think I'm allowing certain things to dominate my outlook on life and rob me of happiness.

1. The failure to be able to lose weight
2. The failure to focus and finish this dissertation
3. The lack of finances

So basically these few things are robbing me of my life. So it is time to do something aggressive.

1 comment:

Relyn Lawson said...

Some of my happy things:

freshly painted fingernails
orange popsicles
new purple pens
brand new journals
red, red strawberries
Jane Austen
the smell of fresh laundry