Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 14 - Rest

Sometimes I sneak over to a place called Zen Habits. Not that I'm into any type Existentialism, but the older I get the more I want to throw off THINGS.  I want a lot less in life now than I did in my 30's and 40's. Plus, with this economy I think we are all going to have to learn to live with a lot less.

Anyway the other day on Zen Habits they had an article about rest. It had me at the first sentence. I was raised believing a day of rest was important. Yet, my life is consumed with activity. I am working 10-12 hours a day, usually bringing work home too. Then there is all the cleaning, laundry, cooking, church...etc. At times REST seems like a four-letter word (not the good kind). When I grew up my family held to a day of rest. There were even Blue Laws when I was growing up (most stores were closed and those open could only sell certain items.)

I listen to my students and friends as they talk about how they are running around doing things all the time. Rec sports, extended church activities, exercise, all kinds of things take up our rest time. No one talks about family meals or peaceful days spent resting.

Bottom line...I've basically lost my way where rest is concerned.

The article gave these ways to reclaim rest:
1. Find contentment in your current life.
2. Plan your rest.
3. Take responsibility for your life.
4. Embrace simplicity.
5. Include your family.
6. Live within your income.
7. Realize the shallow nature of a results-oriented culture.

Ben Franklin once said, "He that can take rest is greater than he that can take cities." I'm not there yet, but I'm trying.


bonnie K said...

I'm with you Lennye,
Rest is as important as the rest, maybe more and for all the right reasons. I'm going to take your lead today. Actually we started last night with a night of reading and silence, except for the wind and rain. How delicious.

Tracey said...

That list seems so do-able on a Sunday morning... keeping it in mind all week long will be a challenge. Thanks for the reminders.

Becky said...

The older I get, the more I see the wisdom in a day of rest. Funny thing is our society used to respect this day of rest. When the Sabbath was a day of slowing life down and reflecting on life and God.

Cathy said...

So, when are you planning on resting? :)

Anonymous said...

I hope you found rest TODAY. Thanks for the reminder in your Slice. And with it, I'm going to bed EARLY tonight, right after I submit this comment.
Happy rest,