Saturday, December 12, 2009

Under the Influence

The heading is correct. After the past two days of dealing with my back, hubby said this morning I need to snuggle in and stay on the muscle relaxers until Monday morning. Then I'm to leave my job at 3:15 and go see the chiropractor. (I love it when a man is forceful! Of course he knows I will do whatever I want to do!) I've struggled with the back since Thanksgiving and now it is into muscle spasms that take your breath...literally! So perhaps he is right. (Do not tell him I said that...)Especially since I'm right handed and any movement on my right side is now triggering the muscle spasm.

Because of the back and work issues I missed going down yesterday and giving birthday wishes to my favorite art teacher/photographer. She rocks my world and is a breath of orange goodness. I know it is hard to be up at our job, but truly she is such a thoughtful encourager to me.

Then what would I do without F. Who listened to me this week bemoan Middle son's college experience. She's listened to me huff, puff, and moan about this stupid back issue. A true friend!!!! Last night she told me not to make Dan suffer because I choose not to make time for the chiropractor. You know that didn't work. I jumped him while trying to eat supper! Good friends are hard to find.

Teaching is tough Big Dawg wants to make a self-contained EIP class. Unfortunately, I am very mothering and do not want any of my chicks taken from me. Period! However, they need to be in a small class and we keep getting new students!

Middle son has decided on a change in majors to Agriculture Communications. Who knows what he is doing with that, but his skills are more suited for that field. At the same time Youngest son has managed to not do a project due yesterday, but an extention was given till Tuesday. Do I have a direction sheet...NO!!!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah, this week I sold old gold gathering dust in a storage building and made $540. WOOHOO Christmas.

So now it is off to the recliner and flipping the remote is the extent of my day. Wish me luck!!!! The mounds of laundry usually get me going...


Sarah B. B. said...

Lennye - you have to chill. If you don't, your body is going to completely shut down, and then where will you be??? Thank goodness Dan finally took over. :P Do the bare minimum this week, and then REST over the break. I said so.

Melissa said...

Thank you. It's been really hard being UP! here lately with the weather/seasonal stuff making me down, I'm not UP for making others UP...but I'm trying. Unhappiness at the job and not always being able to be as orange as I would like in the sea of grey negativity has caused MANY a discussion here at the mansion of a move in the next few years to something different for a refreshing change and start over---as in high school. I'm fairly certain I don't want to do what I'm doing right now for 20 something more years...I'm looking for a non-crct zone. Just a little place where people can create and be happy with that. It's just one of those things that I don't know if it will be the happy-go-lucky change I'm looking for right now or not. :( I've given out almost all my orange. Thank you for thinking of me for my birthday, you really didn't have to get me anything! Love you.