Friday, November 27, 2009

A Week

On Tuesday Dan was involved in a wreck that totaled Matt's Jeep. Yesterday I realized how fortunate I am when I found out a dear friend of mine was killed Tuesday in a wreck similar to Dan's.

First, let me tell you about Joice. When we got married Dan worked for Joice and her husband. It wasn't long till she took me under her wing and was my best friend. We had horses in common. Many a day I sat in her kitchen drinking coffee. I loved her and she loved me, but more importantly she loved Drew. It was a wonderful time for me, and through the years we kept in contact. I think we spoke last year at Christmas.

Next, the Dan thing. Joice was in a wreck that rolled her Suburban, much like Dan's wreck. Only Joice was thrown from the car and Dan wasn't. Dan managed to miss telephone poles and trees. One lived and one died. Many times over the years I spoke to Joice about Jesus. If she ever acknowledged him I don't know. I hope she did.

I do know that the world is a little sadder place this week without my spunky hyperactive friend who could never sit down. I know that she left a wonderful daughter who was her whole life. And three grandchildren who I'm sure she spoiiled rotten. She always thought spoiling children was the way it was suppose to be. She would say, "I know Joette is spoiled, but so what, I can."

Thank you God for saving Dan and giving us more time together. Thank you for letting me have really known Joice Heim. Thank you for Rhonda inviting us to her house for Thanksgiving and for Freda.

I may have been around, but I have been blessed.


Anonymous said...

And I am thankful for you too... we would be lost and bored without your stories and drama!!! I am truly sorry about your friend and very greatful Dan is still around to "try" to keep you straight and to love you as much as he does - it shows you know.....


Jill said...

This just gives me chills because I was in a "traffic situation" last week in Buckhead traffic wherein I thought for sure a cement truck was going to slam into me from behind and that I'd be a goner. Even thinking about it now makes me teary. I was so helpless and terrified. And I was spared without even the slightest scratch on me or my car.