Monday, October 12, 2009

Youngest Son

The youngest son needs to have this book read by Friday.

and wouldn't you know it for some reason he is rebeling against this! I love this book. I wish I could read it with my 5th graders. So why is he being so obstinate!!!???


Sarah B. B. said...

It is a wonderful, wonderful book - but ultimately it is a (I can't quite remember how old she was) 13/14/15 year old girl's journal. What makes it compelling to adults is the 'normal' stuff she was writing about in the face of unspeakable evil & danger. This does not, in my experience, translate to 13 year old boys. For them, it's sort of like eating vegetables - you do it because you should, and it pays off later.

Lennye said...

Your analysis is correct, but let's hope he gets busy because he has a test on it Friday!