Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What Was I Thinking!

I'm off to teach the first day of summer school. Remember the last post where I discussed my money-grubbin' ways, well again that would be why I'm in this shape. However, I think at my pay scale I'm going to be close to $200 per day. Not bad.

Yet, that doggone DISSERTATION awaits my magic. Our school is not condusive for research, the top dogs change things too much. A dissertation is a research project that has to be set up as much as a year before the actual research! Help me!!!!!

I have had a facebook page since Drew went to college and now all of a sudden it has taken off. Of course I can't keep up a blogspot and a facebook page, but I've found a lot of folks. For instance Simon the Rabbi from up north. A doctoral sounding board. My New York friend Jasmine, hasn't been writing lately.

Yesterday one of my cousins contacted me. We haven't seen each other in over 20 years. I was so excited! She's one of the closest to my age and we used to have a good time together. I've missed being able to share with her over the years. So that was a real happy surprise.

Monkey, Bean, F, and Nanci went in together a bought me a huge canvas of this pic to celebrate me being TOTY.

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And can't wait to add to it. I'm sure some summer school money is going to this company.

1 comment:

Monkey said...

Glad you're loving the canvas! :)