Monday, June 15, 2009

Memoir Monday

Last night I dreamed of our neighbors when I was growing up in Oklahoma. Where I grew up everyone knew everyone. The Housleys had a boy, David and a girl, Bobbie. Bobbie was closest to my age. There were lots of times growing up when we would be at one house or the other. I haven't thought about them in years, but in my dreams last night I remembered every feature of their house. The kitchen, the shape of the living room, the bathroom, and bedrooms. I even remembered the storage shed. It was very strange for a moment I was back home and things were the way they used to be.

I'm sure this trip down memory lane was brought on by thoughts of a trip home this summer. However, I won't drive past where I used to many memories. I'll go see my best friend from high school, Brenda. I'll stay with my step-mom and her new husband, and my half brother and his family will come down. I'll meet my nephew for the first time. I'll drive by and see my daddy. And I'll be going by the cemetary to take flowers for my mom and grandma's graves.

We had lots of great neighbors when I grew up: the Youngs, the Summers, the Shockleys, and the Houselys. The Shockleys are both dead now, so are the older Summers, and the Youngs.

I don't know what the Houselys are doing, I hope they are all okay.

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