Monday, June 22, 2009

It's On!!!

Well me and the big guy (matt) are now on a diet. I figure I owe it to him to toughen up. I took the real age challenge and the results weren't to bad instead of nearly being 50 I'm more like 62. Also, I've learned that in some people stress causes chronic back pain. Who knew????

Anyway, for this week (until I get paid) we are going to do weight watchers. Then after payday. I'm following the Dr. Oz menu plan for two weeks. (The site also plans out your excercise routine.) I'm excited. Today I was telling the boys that we could still have desserts we were just going to learn to like different things (Like cinnomon apples and frozen yogurt).

This will not be easy, it is extremely difficult living with a man who can eat anything and stay thin. But in the long run it will be worth it.

1 comment:

Monkey said...

Alright so we need an is the diet going? Whatcha been up to?