Saturday, June 6, 2009

Got To Love My Man

I love Dan! Today, he took the boys out for an airing. He went ahead and got Gabe the shoes, bathing suit, etc. he needs for his white water rafting trip this weekend. I love that man. Plus he bought a brisket. I'm feeling it! And I know he wanted to lay in the recliner. After working 13 days straight at 12 hours per day. I KNOW going out with the boys wasn't on his plan.

Now mind you a couple of things are too small, but that doesn't matter in the least. And Gabe talked him out of getting a hair cut. What matters is he did it for me! I had 6 hours at my house alone!!!!!!!! Even if mopping and laundry were involved, I was alone!!!!!!!!!!

Lovin' him!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Monkey said...

When someone does the small stuff you know you mean more to them than when they just go buy something big...the small stuff shows they care for you more!