Monday, February 23, 2009

Porch and more

Okay, Matt isn't happy with the other furniture either, and F said it didn't look like me either. (I did find it on Craigslist. )

So tonight I looked again and came up with this...for the big price tag of $35. It needs cushions! So I'm wondering how do I come up with those. I'm thinking a futon mattress might work.
The more will come later.


Monkey said...

Well, I do like this better....I would paint it a solid color that IS NOT the color it is currently though....a nice black or white would be cool with some awesome fabric on there! OOH... check out all of this amazing fabric this chick sells on etsy.

You buy you some foam or whatever and have someone or yourself sew the fabric, pop in the foam and KAZAAM instant awesome....well I'm sure it will take more time and effort than just saying KAZAAM...but it was fun for a mental pic.

Monkey said... about that honesty I gave you on the last post?! LOL...if you want brutal honesty, you know who to come to right?! ;) I started out trying to not ram it into the ground too hard...but then you came back wanting more adjectives, so I aim to please...hee!

K2daK said...

I like this one far better than the other one.