Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Is it only Tuesday?

This morning as I was running out the door, I said, "Lay out some hamburger." Well guess what no hamburger got laid out. Dan suggested we eat the pork stuff. No problem except I've had it now 4 days in a row! (Okay the recipe made a lot). So Dan and Gabe are eating the pork stuff and I'm eating...I don't know what yet...

Have you tried the cake? I think I will eat more cake tonight!!!!!! With LOTS of ice cream.

PS. I understand the artistic photographer in our midst doesn't care much for my photography skills and I admit my picture of the cake does not do it justice. MAKE THE CAKE!!!! You'll love me for telling you about it. (Thanks for posting it Relyn!)


Monkey said...

LOL! You're cracking me up now!! I never said I didn't care for your photography skills...just that--that particular picture of what is I'm sure the best cake ever--just so happens to look like doodie in a cup. ;) HEHEEEEE!

Jane said...

I'd love to see a photo of your cake!
Sounds good but I've heard it is really HIGH in calories!

K2daK said...

Calories, who counts calories when you need dessert?