Monday, November 24, 2008

Reasons I'm Thankful Part 1

In order to get moving in a forward motion in the holiday spirit, this week will be dedicated to reasons I'm thankful.

1. God saved me!
2. That I really did marry the love of my life. (even though there have been some incredible difficult times)
3. I have my own house at age 49.
4. I have three healthy children and one daughter in law.
5. That our children are not even asking for much this year at Christmas

This week I'm unpacking boxes and writing. Cooking will be limited and savored for a better time! I'm planning a big blowout in December.

PS. Money saving Christmas idea...recycle old cards as covers for a handmade Christmas CD.

1 comment:

Jane said...

I just read through the last weeks of your blog and wow, you've been through a lot. I admire your consisitent attitude to trust the Lord in the midst of all of it.