Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Back in the saddle again...

Yes, today was a good day. I've got two students that make me a bit crazy, but I've decided on new punishment for them! I'm teaching sentence fluency this week. I *heart* teaching the traits. We are working off the book "Black Cat". Today, we talked about the author's use of phrasing and I let them work in groups. They did a really good job, so far. I'm not sure how this assignment will work on paper, but so far we love it!!

Then I was just amazed today at how many standards I was covering while reading today. So today was a good day for my group and F's. We worked hard and got in some quality time. One of F's little guys has been struggling...I'm glad we now have our head out of our shirt! Anyway, I looked at him and said, "T, you've really been working hard. I noticed and wanted you to know how awesome you are doing." He looks at me and says, "That little pill in the morning is great. I can understand you now." I said, "Well is there something you'd like from the book fair?" He quickly replied, "The Speed Racer Book." So I bought it for him, like I've got money.

At faculty meeting, I got a surprise. I had helped Dr. B. with an assignment and she gave me a copy of "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit". I was so suprised and excited!

Now that sounds like a big day, but there is more. The loan officer called and all is looking good to get the house. I still have the feeling that something could go wrong, but I'm moving forward! I still think I need a formal dining room, but I will work that out later!

I've got a couple of antique pieces I want to sell and perhaps have the money for a new couch. I'm going to be posting pics soon of an oak wardrobe and a 1940's red stenciled enamel table with pull out sides. Plus, I want Dan to pull together a huge yard sale for the weekend of the 1st. (Yes, I know we will be busy with the fall festival).

1 comment:

K2daK said...

Hey congratulations on the loan! That is some awesome stuff!

I am glad you had a good day, and an even better day teaching. Here's to many more!