Monday, September 22, 2008

Something More

Some days I won't this blog to be something more. Something that inspires folks to live a better life, be a better teacher, find encouragement for the journey. Alas, I think that it is far from that! However, I'm thankful I can tune into these blogs for inspiration:

Twowritingteachers they just make me want to be a better teacher.

twentytwowords his father is a famous pastor and author, yet he takes his readers on a unique journey

jane over at 54 and more she's crafty, Godly, and encouraging

rocksinmydryer she seems to have a nose for web happenings

amicksarticles I loved the info on Steinhouses blog page

girlgroit I love all things New York. I'm fascinated with the big city. It is hard to imagine a bakery in town and eating fresh bread.

However, it needs to be noted that unlike this girl in experiment land I have yet to see all of Georgia. For instance: the Zoo, the little Grand Canyon, Jimmy Carter's Birthplace, heard Jimmy Carter teach Sunday School, Cumberland Island, Jekyll Island, and many more places.

And I enjoy everyday checking in with the adventures of monkey , pioneer woman, life here, and there are more.

Still I long to leave words of wisdom upon this earth, to those I encounter, and more. Yet, I whine and bemoan my existance, when in actuality someone always has it worse. Unfortunately, here you will find no encouragement for today, but only a prayer request.

Today, Dan made a statement that he was ready for a change. This would be doable with a house on a little piece of land where he could have a barn and a few cows. (This is why we stay in the position we are in...) It would seem that with the economy so bad, surely there is a piece of level, pasture land out there for a price we could afford on my salary. So tonight when you go to sleep...PRAY...PRAY that God will show us a little piece of land, that Dan will sell three horses, and find a job. Now how hard is all this for God!!!! Pray that I have strength to believe that God's answers are on the way!

Perhaps tomorrow I can turn this into an inspirational site!


Anonymous said...

Thank you! Thank you! :)

K2daK said...

:) Huge smiles for the mention and because I feel loved!

At school we are discussing parables...we are discussing the Sower of Seeds-this reminds me of the good soil, the soil that thanks God for the good times & the bad, the soil that turns to God no matter what, trusts God, & obeys God. Tough stuff to do, you my friend are the good soil, it is the toughest of the soils I think, but the most rewarding. I say the toughest because it is easier only to pray and obey during the tough times but I can think of countless times you praise God for the good times. Keep nurturing your soil, God is always with you. :)