Friday, September 19, 2008

I won!!!

I won something today!!!! Jane is celbrating her one year blog anniversary and I won this beautiful journal she made. Can you tell I'm excited?

Isn't it lovely!!!! And a bit exotic like me!!!!!!!!
Items of Gratitude for the day:
1. WON Jane's giveaway
2. It is Friday and I feel like cleaning my house!
3. I only worked a half day.
4. F and I ate lunch at Jimmy's. (Love those Chicken Fingers)
5. Got online with Charter and they fixed the problem with the living room tv.
6. Gunter made a beautiful tree to help Gabe with his next project.
7. Matt is now in full charge of upkeep of the pepper plants (learned valuable lesson's on peppers).
8. Gabe is eating leftovers.
9. I have two days off.
I'm not even upset about Matt wanting to drop a class at school!


Monkey said...

Ooh, very nice prize!

K2daK said...

Like the prize.

Look at all your positive, happy people vibes!! :)

Jane said...

Let me know when you get it. It went out in the mail today!