Thursday, September 11, 2008

Being Thankful in the Little Things

Does anyone remember the book, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, and it is all small stuff, it came out a few years ago and was a big hit. Well I'm modifying the concept some and trying to be thankful for the small things. You see I need GOD to do big things! So I'm not real thankful for the small, but today was different. First, I had to make an appointment to see a doctor in Macon. I'm going to Macon on Monday for a conference and needed (for time and money reasons) to kill two birds with one stone (so to speak). Well I call and they can see me at exactly the right time on Monday. Then, Dan sat his phone on top of the truck, forgot and saw it fly off and land on the road. When he gets back it is in three pieces, but he manages to put it together and it worked. Next, Dr. E calls and needs a TSS for the new teacher. F suggest I go ahead and she will fill in if needed. Again a little thing!

See I no longer can see God's purpose in any of this that is going on. I literally am consumed with pain, both physical and mental. So I need to start by identifying the small stuff! Last night BB said to me, "Everybody has a story." I know this is true, but often we miss the beauty in the story because we are busy living it!

Perhaps the blue bird of happiness will rest on my shoulders soon!

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