Tuesday, September 16, 2008

An Attitude of Gratitude

Okay, I'm probably not a very grateful person. I never quite know how to respond. So in an effort to be more grateful, I am going to find joy in small things.

1. Mine and F.'s LEXIA is finished.
2. NH and me are helping new teacher get hers finished.
3. One of my parents gave me a new brown shirt.
4. Same parent gave me a book bag.
5. Matt called a wrecker to get his car, the man started it, and didn't charge Matt anything.
6. Dan got enought money to pay the rest of the bills.
7. I only have to do a video observation this year.
8. Only four more weeks of qualitative research.
9. Dr. isn't too worried about my health problems, we have a plan.
10. We had food to eat, that I had put in the crock pot this morning.
11. I have good friends!

I will not focus on the fact that
1. My paycheck will be smaller next month because of paying the total insurance.
2. The company that controls our 401K went belly up!
These are things I can't change.

1 comment:

GirlGriot said...

Sometimes, it's really hard to find the space to be grateful, isn't it? I'm so sorry about your 401K (I keep waiting to hear the same news about the company that controls mine), but I loved your list of 'small things' ... it reminded me that I have a lot of those day to day, too. I need to remember to acknowledge them.