Saturday, August 16, 2008


Weekends should be for fun and excitement, but that isn't always the case. Today I have...
*bought a few groceries
*picked up
*done laundry
*organized research
*cleaned bathrooms
*made a broccoli salad for lunch tomorrow
*talked to both sons
*talked to Dan twice
*talked to Freda
*called MeMe and talked to Gary

Son #1 continues to lead his blessed "perfect" life. (In our family this is such a strange thing!) Anyway on his way to new home in Lexington, KY he sat his cell phone and wallet on top of car. When he stopped for gas he realizes the problem, looks and his wallet is still there. The inlaws followed them up to KY and they notice the cell phone fall off and stop and pick it up. Unfortunately, it had been run over, but no worries, his uncle in law has an old phone that the sims card fit perfectly. Go figure.

Son #2 calls to say he has played 10 hours of pool! Apparently this was a major accomplishment and great fun. Then he wanted to go buy books and was exasperated that I suggested he wait until he goes to class to make sure professors are using the books. (Old college trick)

Then the call to MeMe and talking with Gary left me weeping and feeling sorry for myself. MeMe is the one with the rare form of stomach cancer. Things have gone well for the past 27 months so we were lulled into a false since of security. Only to be told that the cancer has started to spread. It hasn't reached any major organs yet. Treatment on this type of cancer is experimental and so we wait and hope that God is merciful. One day I will post specifically about my relationship with MeMe.

My heart breaks because I need to see her. My heart breaks because I need Dan. I'm sick of this arrangement and can't for the life of me understand why God doesn't open up a door or at least crack a window. I want us together, everyday that passes makes me hate horses and the horse business with this sick addiction more. Everything is in limbo!

I hope to finish up some college work tonight. Then try not to begrudge that the only day I see Dan anymore is Sunday and most of that day is spent in church. If anybody has a word from God in relationship to us let me know ASAP. I do believe that God reveals things to others.

1 comment:

Monkey said...

I'm really sorry about your stepmom...I'll send out some positive vibes for her and you! :) You and Dan definitely need some more "connect" time together!