Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Off Task!

Okay I haven't finished Chapter 2 (it isn't for a grade) and I've started projects. I'm cleaning and hauling out clothes. I don't know why we keep the stuff we keep. You couldn't even sell this stuff at a garage sale! But the sad (because I wasn't doing this till Chapter 2 was finished) thing is I went to the bookstore and bought:

I couldn't help myself. It is joyful light reading that makes me laugh! But I couldn't stop while I was there I bought Big-Dog-Daddy this one for Father's Day. He was very impressed.

However, I must get back on track today. Chapter 2 is calling!! My brain is just tired right now. Yesterday, I made multiple phone calls only to find out that my financial aid stuff hasn't been handled yet, so that took a lot of time.

On a sad note, I am glued to news stories at the moment on the story of two little girls who where shot and killed in rural Oklahoma while walking on a dirt road. I guess growing up hearing the stories of my uncle, who was shot and killed by a neighbor boy and left for dead on the porch, makes this story touch a cord in my heart. When they find whoever did this truly horrific crime I hope they save the taxpayers and just get a rope! What type of person shoots children and leaves them for dead on the side of road!!!


K2daK said...

Oh my goodness, I had no idea about that tradgey in your life!

I tell you, people scare me today, I didn't realize Rhino was watching t.v. the other day they were showing this guy getting hit over and over and over again and how no one helped him, they walked around him and called 911 but no one helped him, not one person. Can you believe that? It was sad, Rhino said, Mommy is that man dead? I had to turn the channel and explain to him that he wasn't dead but people should've helped him like we would've. Craziness.

I agree with the rope thing, nuts!

Get chapter 2 done!!! You had a great review on 1 so 2 will be a breeze, you are in the zone!!

Monkey said...

It's the summer, you're allowed to be off's the one time in the whole year when you're allowed off task-edness! Just enjoy.

Sarah B. B. said...

Please - I live my whole life off-task! I actually think I get more done that way. :)