Friday, June 13, 2008


What makes a great story? Well, I think it has to have realistic characters (those you can relate to), a little bit of a mystery, makes you laugh, makes you cry, makes you think, and then has a totally shocking ending. That's what I got in the book...

This book turned out to be the perfect relaxation book for me. A part of me wants to keep it and let all of you read it, but I'm making a box for MeMe and putting it in there. (The doctors in Houston didn't give very encouraging news last time.)

Anyway, do yourself a favor and read this book. It will be time well spent, even F. will like this one (and she can give it to Mrs. R). Now I can get back to chapter 2 of the dissertation! I will start looking for my next book after chapter 2.

PS. Go to for details on her contest. Win a years worth of DQ Blizzards! by writing about your favorite DQ memory. Monkey and SBB cannot use the same memory! Mine involved me and F, an autograph, a diet, and ice cream!!!!!!


Sarah B. B. said...

I owe you about a million comments, so I'm just going to start here & work my way down - I will get this book ordered soon, because we all know how much Sarah loves DQ, and because my mother will also like it, which makes it cost half as much. :) Glad you got to do some fun reading!

Monkey said...

Um....let's see that memory with SBB and LB WOULD NOT be a fond DQ memory though it is definitely a memory INGRAINED in my mind for the rest of my life! :) That's how you know someone is your TRUE friend though, they will laugh WITH you about your mess up stomach experience and not AT you! That's why I love me some SBB! :)

Sarah B. B. said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! I REALLY wasn't going to put that out for public consumption, but that is definitely my best DQ memory, in the sense that it's the best story, not really that it was the best trip ever. However, it did teach Monkey the value of the Monticello DQ, so I'm counting that as community service. :)