Sunday, April 20, 2008

Something New for the Clan!

In an effort to better please my reading audience I have increased the picture size!

Again, here are Cyrstal and Matt.

Today, we decided to go on a picnic. Anything to take my time away from a computer. However, we haven't seen Drew in a while and it was all good!

Dan is the grill master and whipped up some yummy hamburgers. (Yes, I ate one)
Then we attempted to take a picture of Mommy and the boys for Mother's Day at church.
This was the picnic spot. Pretty relaxing till people started intruding.

Another one that I can't get rid of, what is up with that. Anyway the day was fun and we had a good time.


Monkey said...

Thanks, now I can rest in peace...nice sized pictures for viewing! :) I'm not sure why you're getting that double-picture thing but you can figure out which one is the double and go delete the html code for that one before you post. Maybe that would work.
I was noticing how much the four of you look like identical quadruplets in the sun in your eyes look! Sames noses too I think! :)

Sarah B. B. said...

You & the boys really do look alike - pretty cute. :) I'm not going to say anything about the date's dress, because that wouldn't be nice, but Matt looks handsome!