Monday, April 28, 2008

Falling Down!

Today I fell down in class. I was at the computer doing a Lexia test, the phone rang, and I got up only I tripped over a chair. I now have a huge bruise (the size of a baseball) and a rug burn (the size of a lemon) on my right leg. But that's not the biggy! My kids were too cute. Jamari yells, "Get an ambulance!" Others are hoovering and being concerned. One runs for ice. Another gets the best chair in the room and brings it up front. Still another gets another chair for me to put my leg on. One goes and gets Tracey. The person on the phone calls Mr. V and the nurse. But no one went and got F! What in the world. You all know my room is quirky, but they were so sweet. However, for the life of me I can't figure out why they wouldn't have gotten F! Or Gunter I thought I made that clear the first of the year. Guess Not!

PS I did take pictures but somethings need to be left unseen!


Sarah B. B. said...

Poor thing! I can't believe they didn't get F. She's the obvious choice in an emergency, now that I'm not on the hall. (hahaha) I'm glad you're okay, but I know that bruises like that take FOREVER to feel better. Isn't it cool when too-big-for-their-britches 5th graders remember what it means to be loving human beings? See, now that one act of kindness can get you through till the end of the year. :)

Monkey said...

I'm surprised they got T over F too...that's just craziness! I'm sorry you fell. I never heard any kids screaming or anything. I still remember when my fifth grade teacher fell out of a chair when trying to adjust the air conditioner. I was the one running out of the room to get help! :)

K2daK said...

You know they love you if they are trying to help you! That is strange they didn't get F, kids are so in tune with who is friends with who as far as teachers. (most of the time)

Did anyone get a medal or special recognition for helping you out? (please someone tell me they remember this)