Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Well we've had quite a day. We started off with sunrise service. Then the we went to breakfast at church (the boys enjoy that). I had to run home because I forgot to plug in the crockpot, so I put the roast in the oven. As I was going to Sunday School I fell flat on my face. Needless, to say my right side hurts to the point I asked Dan if he thought I could have broke a rib! He said there's nothing they can do even if you did. So I can't lift anything, because I can't raise my right arm. As I was going to sing in the choir, I told the boys that since they had been at church since 7:00 they could go home. So they did and being good boys not wanting to leave my purse unattended they took it with them. The only problem was my car keys were in the purse. So I had to call Matt to bring me the keys back to church.

Remember how I wasn't going to cook. Well, that changed we had: roast, hashbrown casserole, broccoli salad, pasta salad, and fruit salad. Also, the Dr. Pepper cake. Then we watched a movie. I am now going to clean the kitchen, finish the horse show, grade papers and work on taxes. Funny how I am the only one who can work on taxes!

In the morning, I am going to the foot doctor. I've been having issues all week with my left foot, then yesterday the woman who did the pedicure said I had planters warts on the right foot. I'm planning on being at work at 10:00, but who knows. The doctor opens at 9:30, I'll have to get right in and out. He did call me in an anti-inflammatory and that is helping some.

Matt wants to go see the world after graduation, so if anyone has odd jobs they need a strong boy to do...please call. He has been unsuccessful looking for work.

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