Saturday, December 8, 2007

What in the World!

Okay, it isn't fair to practice for the church Christmas Cantata for weeks and then catch a nasty cold, flu type symptom illness two days before the big performance. After a long practice this morning, I can't talk. I'd call F. to complain, but it is too much of an effort to talk! I'm on DayQuil, Hot Toddies, and perhaps Nyquil.

Gabe went to the youth Christmas party (paint gun war), so this has allowed Matt and me to get quality school work done. I'd like to actually get ahead before the in-laws come for Christmas. You know Dan's 50th B-day is in that time frame, so I've got a lot to do this month!

I took off Monday, because I'm going back to the foot doctor. I suppose he will set up the time for the shock wave treatment. (Not to be confused with the electrode therapy used for mental patients.) I hope this can be done with little time off my foot.

I would also like to take this time to say what a great day it is to teach school. Groceries and Gas are now so high that it is hard to pay the bills and feed your family on the salary you bring home. It is just sad, that 7+ years of college and this is the way it is. I noticed today that Books-A-Million had job openings, now how fun would that be. I applied once as an assistant librarian here and didn't get the job! I would love to work in a bookstore or be a disc jockey! Anything with no pressure.


Monkey said...

If you don't think you have the flu, but the congestion stuff, really should try the Cold Eeze's drying mine up pretty well. I haven't had the postnasal nastiness at night because I take one before bed. Just make sure you follow the directions and eat before using it, or you might get nauseated because of the zinc. I hope you feel better in time to sing! That Nyquil stuff is just gonna make you sleep...get some good stuff to knock it out! I heard Zicam is great too.

K2daK said...

Look at Monkey looking out for you!

Hope you are feeling better soon!

I am thinking about moving to a farm or to the city therefore I can cut back on something some where to save money. Farm: grow own food, kill the livestock, eat a lot of eggs, etc. just buy gas for the tractors, etc. City: walk every place you gas or car needed-would suck on cold or rainy days. On second thought, maybe I will just stay here and stand on the corner. HA!! I feel your money woes!