Saturday, November 24, 2007

Where's the beef!

Well yesterday was very eventful in a bad turned good type of way. First, I cleaned the bedroom, that was very needed. Then I made the fatal mistake of calling Matt, I was asking a stupid question like - what do you want for Christmas.

Matt: "We are busy. Dad's lost seven cows."

Me: "What do you mean lost. They got out?"

Matt: "Yes."

Me: "Is there a hole in the fence? How long have they been out?"

Matt: "I gotta go."

Now in case you don't understand cattle, the thought of about $6,000 walking around out in the big unknown can make you sick. I'm here wondering, how is no one noticing these cows out walking around. Has someone stole them (that happened once in Colorado). [Also, it is important to know that the men in my life do not say much in a time of crisis.]

Hours pass. I can't think. I want to be physically sick. I pray. I call every hour - is there any word. No word. How do seven cows walk away? Well about 5:30 last night Dan calls and says we found them, they are okay. They had gone the opposite direction than what a neighbor had told them. Seems like she had seen another neighbors cows that were on the loose.

Today, they will move the escaped cattle back to their home. Thanking Jesus every step of the way. I am going to the chiropractor.

1 comment:

K2daK said...

Glad your beef story had a good ending!