Wednesday, October 24, 2007

What A Day!!!

My day has been great. (Even if the man I've been married too for half my life forgot.) To start off Gunter brings me 2 CD's she has put together and a cute card. I haven't listened to both, but I really like cd 1. I thought it was a wonderful gift! Then Freda takes me out to eat at Jimmy's (I've tried hard to stay on this diet). I had grilled chicken with mushrooms and onions, baked potato (no butter or sour cream) and salad. I'm counting it at 15 points to be safe. To top it off I got a gift too!!! Carlisle VS Army. How cool is that! A book about football, Oklahoma born Jim Thorpe, Dwight Eisenhower (who was born across the Red River) and Pop Warner (former UGA coach) I've thought about the book for two weeks and now it is mine. I want to call in sick tomorrow, but fear Freda would kill me if I left her alone with my babies! Then the in-laws sent me a little check in the mail that I am hiding from the man!

So now I am off to church for choir practice. Gabe is excited about youth. Then when we get home Criminal Minds is on. How cool is this!!!!


K2daK said...


Monkey said...

Glad you are liking the cds so far! That's so good that you have had a nice birthday...I think it's funny how many CRAZY folks at school have the same birthday as you...tells you something about Oct. 24th huh?! ;) Birthdays rock and you do too!