Saturday, October 20, 2007


Today Dan and Matt have headed off to Mississippi, so last night Dan and I went out to eat. Since neither one of us wanted to get dressed up we just went over to Jimmy's. We sit down and Dan says there's something we need to talk about! (That always makes me nervous.) Anyway here's how this started:

Dan: I heard from the insurance company yesterday.

(my cell phone rings---it's Denise--I'm on pins and needles and can't hang up.)
(hang up and waitress comes over again....finally)

Me: Okay, can we get back to this conversation. (waitress returns)

Finally the whole story comes out. Seems that the insurance company called with an incredibly large offer (double what it should have been). Dan said he hung up and thought, "Okay, they'll call back soon." But they never did. Around 4:30 Dan decides to call Luke (our insurance man). Luke tells Dan, "Well boy, even a blind hog gets an acorn now and then." So, Dan is puzzled, because he feels that it isn't honest to take that much money....even though they are still out on whose paying for the horse trailer. Well I had PTO so we never got to this the day it all happened.

Then on Friday morning, Luke calls Dan at 7:30am. (I think this was really bothering Luke). He tells him they can do whatever, but they probably need to say something. Dan agrees. Both know that it won't take long for someone to figure out the mistake, want the money back, and fire the woman. Within minutes the adjuster, who is new on the job, calls and recants the first offer. So it goes....those moments when we must choose to do the right thing or to do nothing.

This leads to my thoughts of this morning....As always we are broke. If you ever want to know how to lose money, go in the horse business. No matter how many customers you have it want be enough! Dan is in need of filling up his new barn. He is out in Mississippi and could use a great week, for him and Kay. (I'm getting to my great confussion this morning) If you do the right thing does God in turn bless you. I'm sure God is constantly blessing us each and every day. Yet, this week we need large blessings...are they in route.......was the insurance thing a little test........


K2daK said...

God has never let you down in the past, why would He start now? Besides we read "The Good Word" and we believe, we know that God is enough, that He is all we need, you have always made it through in the past and you will this time too. Blessings sometimes are hidden as we all know, sometimes they come through as something we don't notice right away. Keep your faith, keep praying (I will too) and keep your spirits high. God will take care of you.

Monkey said...

If you would have lied and kept that money, it would have bitten you in the butt later I think. Money dealings should always be honest. Actually most all dealings should be honest, unless sparing someone's feelings are involved perhaps. There are certain people that I'm 100% honest with and there are others that unless they ask specifics, I don't tell specifics.