Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Hall Happenings!

I read Monkey's post on the magic coming out her room. Whoa!

Now down the hall we started the day two-steppin. Nothing as magical as Santa on the phone, but a few kids had fun. Then we went into work mode....writing topic of the day was what could you give good advice to someone about (this was the brainstorming part). I have Harper's Honeys and they are getting it. One says, "I could give advice on taking care of your ears after they get pierced." Several girls are like man that's a good one. Then there were little things. When one of my favorites says, "I could give advice on what to do when your parents divorce and your mom decides to start dating!" There was a bit of emotion in this statement and then they went crazy....everyone thought that was the best idea ever....they knew exactly how she feels.....it was unbelievable.

Then me the party pooper said, "Okay, my idea for where you are going with this is what advice would you give to fourth graders on how to get along in fifth grade." I may go back and change it tomorrow. I want magic.............

Mom and Dad (the inlaws) took us to Lucky's for supper, it was really good.


Monkey said...

oh man...we could come up with some good ones for that.."how to lose a guy in 10 days" lol! advice on what to do when you are having a bad hair day and everyone laughs at you...what to do when a 5th grade teacher grabs you and starts two stepping...how to politely tell a friend she has a booger in her nose...ha! I'll be thinking of these all night.

K2daK said...

I think this is a wonderful assignment, that shows that these kids are taking it seriously and really thinking about what to write. YES!! There are some kids interested in writing!