Friday, August 10, 2007


I'm exhausted!!!! This year it will be a physical exhaustion, not a mental one. I don't like doing the same thing 4 times a day, but it isn't bad. On the crazy things that happened yesterday theme (from monkeybean), I had one of mine come out of DH's room and dive under a table. All the other kids are going, "What's he doing under the table." My reply, "What did you do?" They say, "Nothing." I get in the floor, "__________, why are you under the table?" ____,"I hate lunch." Reply, "Come on you are in fifth grade, no one hates lunch." Then I remember the lost ice cream money. I quickly look at Freda and says, "Got an ice cream pass? Give it to him." He came out and had lunch with ice cream.

Then there is the car rider heat factor going on right now. Thank God my air conditioning is working. 5th grade sits close to the daycare vans during car riders. One of the vans has hot exhaust blowing on us. It is so hot that my leg is bright red when I come in, like a minor burn. I'm trying to keep the kids from being too close and passing out from the heat.

I did hear yesterday from one of the kids that a second grader passed out on the bus and they had to call an ambulance. Thankfully, it was on one of the buses where the driver has chilled bottle water for each child! I need to investigate that today. If the drivers are buying it out of their own money, they need some help.


Monkey said...

hmm...I wonder if the floor crawler was the same one who closed himself in behind two of my tables and threw his shoes at me a couple of years ago because he was frustrated.

Sarah B. B. said...

Would that be the same one who drew blood dripping from fingers & barricaded himself in a "fortress" made of big books in my room? I smell some similarities! :)

Monkey said...

ah yes, how could I forget the blood dripping fingers he drew in my class with the writing "kill ____." Not Kill Bill...but rhymes with it!! The same drawing that when taken to the proper authorities...was pushed aside and basically told it didn't matter...only to have the same said person poke his scissors at someone the very next day! MEMORIES...they are so precious.

Sarah B. B. said...

memories - they make you weep, don't they? hey, how come lennye never responds to my posts about her hottie of a husband?