The ending of a prayer by an ordained minister should have enraged the American people, but alas welcome to 2021! I grew up in a time when preachers preached that Hell was real and you didn't want to go there. It may be time for us to "get woke"!
Tuesday, January 5, 2021
Monday, January 4, 2021
Right now in this political culture we have two God or worry. I am a leaky vessel and vacillate between the two in spite of my best efforts. Therefore, at this time in history, I'm constantly leaning on God. Socialism and its ramifications scare me! There are many Christians that rely on the belief that God will just rapture his church when things get bad and we won't suffer, BUT what if God allows us to suffer. He has allowed many to suffer in the past, take Bonhoeffer as an example. So the answer needs to be that no matter what happens in this country, tomorrow or 10 years from now, may God give me the strength to stand with and for Him.
Sunday, January 3, 2021
One thing through this season of life I've noticed in my circle is an underlying fear of Covid. As Christian's perhaps we have fallen for the belief that if I do all these things (go to church, pray, help the homeless, etc...) God will bless me abundantly. We fail to look at Hebrews 11, we fail to remember the fate of the disciples (except for John who was just exiled), read Foxe's Book of Martyrs, or look up the life of John and Betty Stam. Yet, God told us we would face trials and tribulations in this world, BUT fear not He overcame this world. My grandmother used to say, "Why not us?" when trials came our way. She also said, "Where are we going to go but to the Lord?" She was so wise!
I started my day with the Bonhoeffer devotional and found myself drawn to this quote, "What is happiness and unhappiness? It depends so little on the circumstances; it depends really only on that which is happening inside a person." (Bonhoeffer) Of course Bonhoeffer is writing from a jail cell. In Philippians 4 Paul said he had learned to be content regardless his circumstances.