Saturday, March 1, 2014


My bad habits aren't my title. My strengths and my talent are my title.
Wow!!! It is hard to believe that two years have passed since I last posted to my blog or participated in the Slice of Life.  Funny it doesn't seem that long ago; however, isn't that how life turns out.  We are busy doing and let those things we love fall to the wayside.  

I have a goal this month.  I want to write something everyday.  Leave a footprint.  Share a strength. Expose a weakness. Reconnect with old friends. Just something to prove I was here and using my strengths and talents.

Happy writing to all!!!


Pat Holloway said...

You have set a great goal. I'm hoping to do the same. Best if luck. With some persistence, I think we will accomplish our goal.

ChrisLeish said...

I look forward to reading your posts. We have many things in common and I sense I will learn a great deal from your thoughts. Thank you for sharing your insights.

GirlGriot said...

Lennye! So happy to have your voice back in the mix! I look forward to reading your slices this month. I spend very long periods of time away from my blog, and Stacey and Ruth's challenge is one of the things that always seems able to bring me back.