Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 12 - Furloughed Again

Today we were furloughed half a day. We literally went to school ate breakfast, did math, went to the bathroom, specials, ate lunch, and went home. All because the GEA said, "If you are going to furlough us and dock our pay, then we are only working 1/2 a we are going home at 11:15am." County Office was shocked that we wouldn't take the 1/2 pay cut and work another hour for free. ( many hours do I already work for free.) All in all it was no biggie.

So I decided to go get this man/boy and take him to lunch.

I also bought him some jeans and then took him to Target to get more of my beloved Method floor cleaner. (Something must be wrong with anybody who calls their floor cleaner beloved, but it is true I can't live without it!!!!!) Soon the man/boy's brother will be home from South Georgia...

So our house will be full for a week. There will be lots of cooking and lots of laundry and lots of remembering that these days pass so fast...

1 comment:

Cherylann said...

Tell me about it. Mine are 30 and 31 and I'm wondering where the years have gone