Saturday, January 23, 2010

Remembering a Last Time

This year marks the first year we've missed the youth scholarship cutting at the Augusta Futurity. I'm a little sad. For over a decade (12 years to be exact) we've loaded up, driven to Augusta, sometimes we've walked out with the scholarship money and sometimes not, and then we've eaten breakfast at IHOP. There will be no more for us. Gabe has no desire to ride horses (of course we are yet to find what Gabe wants to do). But to my older boys just know it was a pleasure watching you grow up.

Also, know that I don't hate cutting, I just grew tired of barely scraping by while those with the money people took advantage of us (not paying their bills on time...etc). I grew weary of a sport that determined our lifestyle, of never having a home. I remember well one year at Christmas when we were living on Mulberry and praying desperately that God would send some money. God did and if you ever need a testimony to the greatness of God...we are a visual picture. You see for all our lives the horses ate, had shavings, and then we worried about us, but God always made sure we were okay.

Now we are at a different place. I really see us getting this place cleaned up and Daddy doing something again as a side with horses. Horses are good for a man's soul. But for now know it has always been a pleasure being your mother.

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