Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Over

One Act play has come to an end for another year. All the flurry is over and we are moving on to the holiday season. All the hub-bub has left me exhausted. I'm going to stay home from church today and rest a peace.

My afternoon is full. I've got to go to Staples and organized my behavior book. That's right a behavior book. Seems that our principal believes that the children's horrible behavior is because we have allowed it. (Don't mention that we "allow it" because after 10 write ups we get a NI on our evaluation). Behavior has reached a record level of out of control. I feel that I'm more of a refree than a teacher! So last week I started recording every hour two boys behavior. There are about 4 to 5 in every class I teach that are over the top and interrupt learning.

Also, this weekend we've got to make up our minds on if Dan is going to take a new job offer. It would be a little less pay, because of no overtime pay. (You work hard in the winter and summer is an easier time). So who knows what we will do. It would help if my check would stop being cut.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The play was wonder they won!!!
