Saturday, January 17, 2009


Just moments ago I admitted to Dan that I don't want to do anything. I don't want to deal with anymore issues. I want off the merry-go-round. He asked did I need a shrink, because life isn't like that.

You see I'm tired of the horse shows, the dissertation, the unrealistic workload at school, and the lack of money. I'm tired of constantly feeling guilty because I never get everything accomplished! I'm tired of scheduling doctors appointments on my days off! And of constantly having doctors appointments, but no one can cure whatever is wrong! I'm just tired! I want to eat and cook...and that sums it up.

Dan suggested I make a list. But I don't know how to prioritize everything because it is all equally important. I woke up this morning with a mother of a headache! I'm just tired of pulling around all these weighty issues everyday!


robin said...

Know how you feel. Wish I knew a cure. robin

K2daK said...

You know the good thing about aren't alone. I can't tell you how many people feel this way. It is good to know that you aren't alone.