Sunday, October 26, 2008

Memoir Monday

We have lived at this house for five years now. In that time we've had a son graduate from college, a son graduate from high school, a wedding, the death of our little nephew Jackson, a son going off to college, me starting a doctorate program, Gabe going from elementary school to middle school, and Gabe making friends with Ryan who is like son #4.

Its funny I should be excited about owning my own house. I've waited 25 years for my cowboy husband to want to settle down, now at 50 he appears ready. Yet, I'm sad at leaving my little neighborhood. I love it over here. I love Mr. Phillip and Mrs. Martha, they are special neighbors. I love the convinence, I'm 5 minutes from work. I love the solitude out my bedroom window...

I know that soon we will make new memories. I told Dan the new house wasn't big enough for us. Where will I have my fondue party? Where will we put Grandma and Grandpa, Drew and Nicole at Christmas? He says it will all work out. He said we only have Gabe another 5 years, and the house would be big enough and there was room to grow. That we are investing in the future. We will be across the street from the lake, and there is a pool that can be repaired for the future.

So for the next few weeks as I cherish memories of the past, I look forward to the prospect of making new memories. The thought of knowing we've settled down, and that this area will be our home till Jesus calls us home gives me comfort.

1 comment:

K2daK said...

All will be well and maybe this will be your house where your grandchildren get to play and then you have a barrel of all new memories! :)

Cute house!