Saturday, September 27, 2008


Okay, this is an update on the situation at the Hestad Manor. Dan is looking at disbanning everything the second week in October. We've talked to others in the business and it looks like this downturn in the economy could have an adverse effect on the horse business for a couple of years. That is if things turn around Monday. I talked to an old friend this week and he says that if the government doesn't have something settled by Monday...we are all in for a rocky road.

So, I'm going to start working on a resume for Dan. A lot of places have online application processes. Unfortunately, this is all taking place in the midst of another paper being due, report cards, SACS visit, and various other things.

Matt came home last night. He was so cute. He's come home to minister to his parents! Last night after I went to bed he cleaned the house. Today he is going to go spend the day with his Dad. I think that is too sweet! He is very worried about if he is going to be able to keep up his grades. The animal science professor last test had questions on it that were never touched on in class. College Algebra is still causing him stress, but he wants to stick it out.

Gabe wants to know if Daddy stops working with horses and gets a job will we get to go on a vacation. Interesting...

Last night Denise came over and stayed during the football game. I fixed tacos and everyone had a good time. She sent Matt to get her cigarettes and then told him to put gas in the jeep with the rest of the money.

So in light of all of this we need you to pray very specifically. We need to sell two horses. I think we should keep Matt's horse and Earl will keep him for us. If we can't sell one of the horses, we need the man Dan is partnered with to buy out Dan's part. Dan needs a job. He is scheduled to judge a big show in November, so we need something in between. He has to go to a training seminar in October (money for that). Judging jobs would help tremendously.


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