Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Drew!

It is hard to let your kids grow up, watch them make mistakes, and find their way in this world, but so goes life! Drew is now 23.

So yesterday afternoon the whole family went to see

Now if you know me, you know I'm not much into this kinda movie. However, it was worth the money. We got there early, stood in line for seating, and got really good seats. So all was well. Then we went to Chili's to eat, which was a disaster. Gabe's food finally came after we were all finished. So we got a couple of free meals so that was okay.

I guess the part I struggle with is the old saying is so true. "You have a daughter all her life, you have a son till he takes a wife." Kinda sad! It just always feels so tense when we all get together. I don't know if it is just me or what. I haven't seen him in a while and wanted to visit, but that wasn't going to happen in the situation we were in, so I have to be continent just to see him.

Time is running out before school starts! So much to do! Then there is getting Matt ready for college and Gabe ready for 7th grade. It is hard to want to write on a dissertation and trust me I haven't in about 4 weeks. Other things are occupying my mind! I really want this year to be one that is calm and productive. I need no drama!!!!


K2daK said...

Not my kind of movie either but I have heard it was well worth the money.

I hope the get togethers find some comfort soon. I loved Nick's mom until Ryan was born then it all changed for about a year, but now she is back to the cool mother in law I met in the beginning so all is well now. Just give it some time I am sure it will pass and comfort will set in-it must be hard to feel like you have lost him, but you are his mom and he will always love you.

I feel the need to be productive too-but just can't pull it out of me just yet. Here it is 9:15 and I am thinking a night watching t.v. in bed is going to win over finishing a paper-you aren't alone.

Here's to the next few days of being "off" and getting back into productive mode. :)

Monkey said...

Oooohhh...the one set of comic book character movies that I LOVE. I've always been a fan of the Batman movies, though I don't know why--other than the action is great--and most of the BATMEN have been pretty HOT in their costumes...George Clooney being my favorite. This new guy isn't my favorite really. We'll be seeing this movie sometime this week and we're excited. Going to movies is one of my very favorite things to do.