Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Busiest Week of the Year

I know you probably think this is the week before Christmas. Well if you are a teacher it is the week before school starts! How can one week hold soooooo much work and soooooo much anticipation. I love it!! Everyone is working double time. Honestly, I feel sorry for the janitors and the record keeper this week.

Yet, I've never seen everyone so consistantly in a good mood. I hope it lasts! Even though we have 30 kiddos a piece (so I will teach 120 per day), I'm excited to see what this year holds! I'm sure there will be lots of changes. (We may get another teacher) But this has the potential to be a blast.

Stay tuned!!!! August is going to be a BIG month for the Hestad's. (Continue to pray for Dan's job possibilities.)

Also, KUDDOS go out to Monkey, Bean, and Roderick. We had a teacher who isn't coming in until later. (This is a mystery at school). Anyway they have gotten together and absolutely done remarkable things down in the room. It is bad to have to organize one room, but to do someone's room who isn't your BFF is above and beyond. They ALL deserve a huge reward.

1 comment:

Monkey said...

Thank you for the kuddos! :)