Saturday, June 7, 2008


I've been blog hopping. This is NOT a huge waste of time. Check out one of my new favorite sites

These are two totally cool teachers. I asked for the plans for something they do called "The Independent Reading Project" and I got it in a few hours. They also do something called a "Summer Adventure Packet" that is way COOL. Again they just give you the stuff to use. They also link you to other cool teachers...who have their own links.

For instance what about "The Picture Book Project". You read and discuss with the kids a picture book per day. The teacher laminates a photo copy of the book cover and then attaches it to a clothes line. Your goal is nothing less than 100 books per year.

I've found all kinds of stuff that allow you to make your room a literacy filled space, with charts, graphs, and lists all over the place. I AM IN LOVE with all these ideas.

Check it out, follow the links, and you will be transported back to a world where the teacher taught and the kids had fun and learning abounds!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words about our site.
