Thursday, June 5, 2008


I love the morning time. I went to bed about midnight last night (I'm trying to work out Dr. E's vision and Prof vision), but was up by 5:30 this morning. So I'm looking out over the garden (Mr. Phillips), sipping coffee, and having scholarly thoughts. I'm back on the paper.

What are the thoughts out there on Independent Reading/Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)? There is some incredible research out there right now. Reading relates to vocabulary; vocabulary relates to writing; writing relates to higher level thinking skills (something F desperately needs students to acquire). Yet, that pesky element of TIME, keeps getting in the way. We don't have time to teach, much less donate 40 minutes to writing and 30 minutes to SSR. Dr. E was shocked to hear we are not donating ANY time to silent reading or teacher read alouds. Come on! When we say we don't have time, they think we have our priorities out of line. However, Marzano's research came up with only about 3.9 hours per day that available for actual teaching time. In the new school this will be cut even more since we will be expected to go with them to the bathroom, every time they go and check the bathroom after they leave. Also, if we change classes 4 times that wipes out another 40 minutes of instruction (has anyone besides me thought of this?).

Here's another thought rising gas prices have the potential of adversely affecting schools. Already a school in Minnesota has gone to a 4 day school day! The face of education is on another huge precipice of change.


Monkey said...

Every so often on here there is a post waiting for SBB comments...this is no doubt one of those posts. :)

Lennye said...

Oh, HA! HA! Yes, I can see after reading that it is screaming for SBB, but you have opinions too. For instance, why doesn't anyone understand the importance art plays in reading (ie higher level thinking skills)? Have you ever had anyone come to you with an art question in relation to core academic classes. Where better to teach the concept of symmetry! Or why Chris Van Allsburg draws like he does!!!!

Anonymous said...

Okay - it's summer...don't think so hard!


P.S. Your music did scare me!

Monkey said...

I'm with's summertime...time to think of smaller words--like sleep, rest, t.v., tans, sun, fun, easy words...words that will make you feel better and less stressed when the word FALL comes and words like NEW students and new schedules come into play.