Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Input Needed

What do you think of the Writers Workshop methos of writing instruction? (I'm going off of Fletcher's Ideas) Would their be more genuine writing if students wrote on things that interest them? Should prompts only be used as assessment tools? (Now, I would allow 6 assessments before the test - two per genre) What exactly is functional life-skills as they apply to writing?


Sarah B. B. said...

The ONLY way to teach writing, in my opinion is a workshop format. The kids you're getting next year of mine had a true workshop ALL year, not just hit or miss like I'd done in the past. I'll be interested to see if you see a difference. They LOVED writing - and it avoids SOOO much of the revision/rewriting headache because they're CONSTANTLY rewriting. I have a whole mini-library on WW if you want to borrow it over the summer. :) I can go on & on, so I'll stop. DO IT! You won't regret it.

Unknown said...

Guided topics work. I don't say write about anything you want. The kids have blank paper terror. But I do totally believe in topic support, free topic choice. If we read books to kids, discuss topic choice, give lots of ideas and support, then kids should and do really well with topic freedom. I posted about this several times on my blog. www.debrennersmith.com